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Sun Telecom Has Become the Council Unit of The CASME

Date: 2023-07-26 10:24:00

 Sun Telecom has recently become a council unit of the China Association for Small & Medium Commercial Enterprises. Caesara Niu, the CEO of Sun Telecom, has also been appointed as a council member.

Being granted this honor signifies that Sun Telecom will undertake greater responsibilities and collaborate with other director units to advance the high-quality growth of small and medium-sized enterprises, thereby making valuable contributions to social and economic development.


Director Unit Membership Certificate
The China Association for Small & Medium Commercial Enterprises is charged by the party construction leader of the SASAC of the State Council and is the only comprehensive national social organization in the field of small and medium-sized commercial enterprises.

Sun Telecom is a Fiber Optic Total Solutions provider, serving customers from over 130 countries and regions. Sun Telecom is devoted to meeting the needs of customers to the greatest extent by providing "Systematic, Customized, End-to-end, One-stop" fiber optic total solutions and products for worldwide customers. We offer complete fiber optic solutions and products for various fields such as Telecom (FTTH, 4G/5G Mobile Stations, etc.), ISP, Cable Television and Broadcast, Surveillance and Monitoring (Smart City, Smart Home, etc.), Computing Networks, Data Centers (Cloud Computing, Big Data, IoT, etc.), Industrial Control, Intelligent Manufacturing (Industrial 4.0), Fiber Optic Sensing, etc.


Application Fields of Sun Telecom's Fiber Optic Total Solutions

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