What is F5G?
F5G is the fifth generation of the fixed network. The main focus of F5G is fixed network fiber broadband access. The vision of F5G is to realize fiber to everywhere and everything. The standard used in F5G is ETSI F5G ISG. It was established in February 2020 by ETSI (European Telecommunications Standards Institute).
F5G Value, Service, and Business Requirements
The value of F5G is characterized by fiber speed and user experience, empowering gigabit communities, and impact on the economy by encouraging migration and digital transformation, opening new opportunities, and future-proof infrastructure. The F5G service includes residential, business, and vertical industries. F5G residential services contain Cloud VR, 8k HD video, and QoE. Business services incorporate SOHO, public cloud services, and mobile xhaul, and vertical industries services include smart cities, smart manufacturing (Industry 4.0), and unified physical network (production network, office network, campus network). In addition, the F5G business requirements include networks (speed, coverage, latency, density), services (reliability, availability, security), and operations (spectrum efficiency, energy efficiency).

Figure 1. F5G Business Requirements
Features of F5G
F5G features consist of full-fiber connection( FFC), enhanced fixed broadband(eFBB), and guaranteed reliable experience(GRE). The main goal of F5G is to provide 10 times speed in eFBB, 10 times less latency in GRE, and 10 times density in FFC features. For eFBB, F5G increases the bandwidth over F4G by applying new technologies in multiple network segments such as Wi-Fi 6, 10G PON, 200G/400G OTN/Ethernet AggN. For GRE, F5G improves the reliability and the quality of experience (QoE) through Wi-Fi, optical access and transport network, network controller, and end-to-end (E2E) network slicing capability. For FFC, F5G uses the fiber-to-everywhere infrastructure to support ubiquitous connections, including FTTH (fiber-to-the home), FTTR (fiber-to-the room), FTTO (fiber-to-the-office ), FTTD (fiber-to-the-desk) , and FTTM (fiber-to-the-machine).

Figure 2. F5G Features
Technologies of F5G
The key technologies used in F5G are Wi-Fi 6, PON (10G/25G/50G/100G passive optical network), 200G/400G Backbone Bearer Network, OXC (optical cross-connect),OXC all-optical crossover networks, NG-OTN ( next-generation- optical transport network).
F5G Network Architecture and Network Topology
F5G network architecture consists of an underlay plane, a service plane, and management, control & analytics (MCA) Plane. While, the F5G network topology consists of a customer premise network, access network, aggregation networks, and core network.

Figure 3. F5G Network Architecture

Figure 4. F5G Network Topology
F5G Applications Scenarios and Use Cases
The application scenarios of F5G include HD video, gaming, virtual reality (VR), augmented reality (AR), cloud desktop, cloud VR, cloud-based education, social networking, smart city, smart home, smart manufacturing, smart education, e-government, telemedicine, transportation, and more. The F5G use cases involve extended PON to legacy ethernet uplink, high-quality low-cost private line for SMEs, cloud virtual reality, enhanced traffic monitoring and network control in the intelligent access network, on-demand high quality transport for real-time application, high-quality private line, remote attestation for secured network elements, scenario based broadband, multiple access aggregations over PON include 5G X-Haul, passive optical LAN, digitalized ODN, PON for the industrial internet, and PON on-premises.
Figure 5. F5G Applications Scenarios
F5G provides ultra-high-speed broadband services with a full-fiber network for the end user. F5G opens a new era of gigabit broadband business opportunities. In addition, F5G provides future-proof infrastructure and promotes migration and digital transformation.